Not available until the next release of testcontainers-go main
The Testcontainers module for Azure.
Adding this module to your project dependencies¶
Please run the following command to add the Azure module to your Go dependencies:
go get
Usage example¶
The Azure module exposes the following Go packages:
- Azurite:
. - EventHubs:
. - ServiceBus:
EULA Acceptance
Due to licensing restrictions you are required to explicitly accept an End User License Agreement (EULA) for the EventHubs container image. This is facilitated through the WithAcceptEULA
ctx := context.Background()
azuriteContainer, err := azurite.Run(
defer func() {
if err := testcontainers.TerminateContainer(azuriteContainer); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to terminate container: %s", err)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to start container: %s", err)
Run function¶
- Not available until the next release of testcontainers-go main
The Azurite module exposes one entrypoint function to create the Azurite container, and this function receives three parameters:
func Run(ctx context.Context, img string, opts ...testcontainers.ContainerCustomizer) (*AzuriteContainer, error)
, the Go context.string
, the Docker image to use.testcontainers.ContainerCustomizer
, a variadic argument for passing options.
Default Credentials¶
The Azurite container uses the following default credentials:
// AccountName is the default testing account name used by Azurite
AccountName string = "devstoreaccount1"
// AccountKey is the default testing account key used by Azurite
AccountKey string = "Eby8vdM02xNOcqFlqUwJPLlmEtlCDXJ1OUzFT50uSRZ6IFsuFq2UVErCz4I6tq/K1SZFPTOtr/KBHBeksoGMGw=="
Container Options¶
When starting the Azurite container, you can pass options in a variadic way to configure it.
Use the second argument in the Run
function to set a valid Docker image.
In example: Run(context.Background(), "")
Image Substitutions¶
- Since testcontainers-go v0.26.0
In more locked down / secured environments, it can be problematic to pull images from Docker Hub and run them without additional precautions.
An image name substitutor converts a Docker image name, as may be specified in code, to an alternative name. This is intended to provide a way to override image names, for example to enforce pulling of images from a private registry.
Testcontainers for Go exposes an interface to perform this operation: ImageSubstitutor
, and a No-operation implementation to be used as reference for custom implementations:
// ImageSubstitutor represents a way to substitute container image names
type ImageSubstitutor interface {
// Description returns the name of the type and a short description of how it modifies the image.
// Useful to be printed in logs
Description() string
Substitute(image string) (string, error)
type NoopImageSubstitutor struct{}
// Description returns a description of what is expected from this Substitutor,
// which is used in logs.
func (s NoopImageSubstitutor) Description() string {
return "NoopImageSubstitutor (noop)"
// Substitute returns the original image, without any change
func (s NoopImageSubstitutor) Substitute(image string) (string, error) {
return image, nil
Using the WithImageSubstitutors
options, you could define your own substitutions to the container images. E.g. adding a prefix to the images so that they can be pulled from a Docker registry other than Docker Hub. This is the usual mechanism for using Docker image proxies, caches, etc.
- Since testcontainers-go v0.29.0
If you need to either pass additional environment variables to a container or override them, you can use testcontainers.WithEnv
for example:
postgres, err = postgresModule.Run(ctx, "postgres:15-alpine", testcontainers.WithEnv(map[string]string{"POSTGRES_INITDB_ARGS": "--no-sync"}))
- Since testcontainers-go v0.31.0
If you need to access a port that is already running in the host, you can use testcontainers.WithHostPortAccess
for example:
postgres, err = postgresModule.Run(ctx, "postgres:15-alpine", testcontainers.WithHostPortAccess(8080))
To understand more about this feature, please read the Exposing host ports to the container documentation.
- Since testcontainers-go v0.28.0
If you need to consume the logs of the container, you can use testcontainers.WithLogConsumers
with a valid log consumer. An example of a log consumer is the following:
type TestLogConsumer struct {
Msgs []string
func (g *TestLogConsumer) Accept(l Log) {
g.Msgs = append(g.Msgs, string(l.Content))
- Since testcontainers-go v0.29.0
If you need to either pass logger to a container, you can use testcontainers.WithLogger
Consider calling this before other "With" functions as these may generate logs.
In this example we also use the testcontainers-go log.TestLogger
, which writes to the passed in testing.TB
using Logf
The result is that we capture all logging from the container into the test context meaning its
hidden behind go test -v
and is associated with the relevant test, providing the user with
useful context instead of appearing out of band.
func TestHandler(t *testing.T) {
logger := log.TestLogger(t)
ctr, err := postgresModule.Run(ctx, "postgres:15-alpine", testcontainers.WithLogger(logger))
CleanupContainer(t, ctr)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Do something with container.
Please read the Following Container Logs documentation for more information about creating log consumers.
Wait Strategies¶
If you need to set a different wait strategy for the container, you can use testcontainers.WithWaitStrategy
with a valid wait strategy.
The default deadline for the wait strategy is 60 seconds.
At the same time, it's possible to set a wait strategy and a custom deadline with testcontainers.WithWaitStrategyAndDeadline
Startup Commands¶
- Since testcontainers-go v0.25.0
Testcontainers exposes the WithStartupCommand(e ...Executable)
option to run arbitrary commands in the container right after it's started.
To better understand how this feature works, please read the Create containers: Lifecycle Hooks documentation.
It also exports an Executable
interface, defining the following methods:
, which returns a slice of strings to represent the command and positional arguments to be executed in the container;Options()
, which returns the slice of functional options with the Docker's ExecConfigs used to create the command in the container (the working directory, environment variables, user executing the command, etc) and the possible output format (Multiplexed).
You could use this feature to run a custom script, or to run a command that is not supported by the module right after the container is started.
Ready Commands¶
- Since testcontainers-go v0.28.0
Testcontainers exposes the WithAfterReadyCommand(e ...Executable)
option to run arbitrary commands in the container right after it's ready, which happens when the defined wait strategies have finished with success.
To better understand how this feature works, please read the Create containers: Lifecycle Hooks documentation.
It leverages the Executable
interface to represent the command and positional arguments to be executed in the container.
You could use this feature to run a custom script, or to run a command that is not supported by the module right after the container is ready.
- Since testcontainers-go v0.27.0
By default, the container is started in the default Docker network. If you want to use an already existing Docker network you created in your code, you can use the network.WithNetwork(aliases []string, nw *testcontainers.DockerNetwork)
option, which receives an alias as parameter and your network, attaching the container to it, and setting the network alias for that network.
In the case you need to retrieve the network name, you can simply read it from the struct's Name
field. E.g. nw.Name
This option is not checking whether the network exists or not. If you use a network that doesn't exist, the container will start in the default Docker network, as in the default behavior.
- Since testcontainers-go v0.27.0
If you want to attach your containers to a throw-away network, you can use the network.WithNewNetwork(ctx context.Context, aliases []string, opts
option, which receives an alias as parameter, creating the new network with a random name, attaching the container to it, and setting the network alias for that network.
In the case you need to retrieve the network name, you can use the Networks(ctx)
method of the Container
interface, right after it's running, which returns a slice of strings with the names of the networks where the container is attached.
Docker type modifiers¶
If you need an advanced configuration for the container, you can leverage the following Docker type modifiers:
Please read the Create containers: Advanced Settings documentation for more information.
Customising the ContainerRequest¶
This option will merge the customized request into the module's own ContainerRequest
container, err := Run(ctx, "postgres:13-alpine",
/* Other module options */
ContainerRequest: testcontainers.ContainerRequest{
Cmd: []string{"-c", "log_statement=all"},
The above example is updating the predefined command of the image, appending them to the module's command.
This can't be used to replace the command, only to append options.
- Not available until the next release of testcontainers-go main
If you want to use in-memory persistence, you can use WithInMemoryPersistence(megabytes float64)
. E.g. azurite.WithInMemoryPersistence(64.0)
Please read the Azurite documentation for more information.
This option is only available in Azurite versions 3.28.0 and later.
Container Methods¶
The Azurite container exposes the following methods:
- Not available until the next release of testcontainers-go main
Returns the service URL to connect to the Azurite container and an error, passing the Go context and the service name as parameters.
Blob Operations¶
In the following example, we will create a container with Azurite and perform some blob operations. For that, using the default credentials, we will create an Azurite container, upload a blob to it, list the blobs, and download the blob. Finally, we will remove the created blob and container.
ctx := context.Background()
azuriteContainer, err := azurite.Run(
defer func() {
if err := testcontainers.TerminateContainer(azuriteContainer); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to terminate container: %s", err)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to start container: %s", err)
cred, err := azblob.NewSharedKeyCredential(azurite.AccountName, azurite.AccountKey)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to create shared key credential: %s", err)
cred, err := azqueue.NewSharedKeyCredential(azurite.AccountName, azurite.AccountKey)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to create shared key credential: %s", err)
cred, err := aztables.NewSharedKeyCredential(azurite.AccountName, azurite.AccountKey)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to create shared key credential: %s", err)
serviceURL, err := azuriteContainer.ServiceURL(ctx, azurite.BlobService)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to get service URL: %s", err)
blobServiceURL := serviceURL + "/" + azurite.AccountName
client, err := azblob.NewClientWithSharedKeyCredential(blobServiceURL, cred, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to create client: %s", err)
serviceURL, err := azuriteContainer.ServiceURL(ctx, azurite.QueueService)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to get service URL: %s", err)
queueServiceURL := serviceURL + "/" + azurite.AccountName
client, err := azqueue.NewServiceClientWithSharedKeyCredential(queueServiceURL, cred, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to create client: %s", err)
serviceURL, err := azuriteContainer.ServiceURL(ctx, azurite.TableService)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to get service URL: %s", err)
tablesServiceURL := serviceURL + "/" + azurite.AccountName
client, err := aztables.NewServiceClientWithSharedKey(tablesServiceURL, cred, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to create client: %s", err)
containerName := "testcontainer"
_, err = client.CreateContainer(context.TODO(), containerName, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to create container: %s", err)
blobData := "Hello world!"
blobName := "HelloWorld.txt"
_, err = client.UploadStream(context.TODO(),
Metadata: map[string]*string{"Foo": to.Ptr("Bar")},
Tags: map[string]string{"Year": "2022"},
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to upload blob: %s", err)
// Download the blob's contents and ensure that the download worked properly
blobDownloadResponse, err := client.DownloadStream(context.TODO(), containerName, blobName, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to download blob: %s", err)
// Use the bytes.Buffer object to read the downloaded data.
// RetryReaderOptions has a lot of in-depth tuning abilities, but for the sake of simplicity, we'll omit those here.
reader := blobDownloadResponse.Body
downloadData, err := io.ReadAll(reader)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to read downloaded data: %s", err)
// List methods returns a pager object which can be used to iterate over the results of a paging operation.
// To iterate over a page use the NextPage(context.Context) to fetch the next page of results.
// PageResponse() can be used to iterate over the results of the specific page.
pager := client.NewListBlobsFlatPager(containerName, nil)
for pager.More() {
resp, err := pager.NextPage(context.TODO())
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to list blobs: %s", err)
_, err = client.DeleteBlob(context.TODO(), containerName, blobName, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to delete blob: %s", err)
_, err = client.DeleteContainer(context.TODO(), containerName, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to delete container: %s", err)
Queue Operations¶
In the following example, we will create an Azurite container and perform some queue operations. For that, using the default credentials, we will create a queue, list the queues, and finally we will remove the created queue.
ctx := context.Background()
azuriteContainer, err := azurite.Run(
defer func() {
if err := testcontainers.TerminateContainer(azuriteContainer); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to terminate container: %s", err)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to start container: %s", err)
cred, err := azqueue.NewSharedKeyCredential(azurite.AccountName, azurite.AccountKey)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to create shared key credential: %s", err)
serviceURL, err := azuriteContainer.ServiceURL(ctx, azurite.QueueService)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to get service URL: %s", err)
queueServiceURL := serviceURL + "/" + azurite.AccountName
client, err := azqueue.NewServiceClientWithSharedKeyCredential(queueServiceURL, cred, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to create client: %s", err)
queueName := "testqueue"
_, err = client.CreateQueue(context.TODO(), queueName, &azqueue.CreateOptions{
Metadata: map[string]*string{"hello": to.Ptr("world")},
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to create queue: %s", err)
pager := client.NewListQueuesPager(&azqueue.ListQueuesOptions{
Include: azqueue.ListQueuesInclude{Metadata: true},
// list pre-existing queues
for pager.More() {
resp, err := pager.NextPage(context.Background())
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to list queues: %s", err)
_, err = client.DeleteQueue(context.TODO(), queueName, &azqueue.DeleteOptions{})
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to delete queue: %s", err)
Table Operations¶
In the following example, we will create an Azurite container and perform some table operations. For that, using the default credentials, we will create a table, list the tables, and finally we will remove the created table.
ctx := context.Background()
azuriteContainer, err := azurite.Run(
defer func() {
if err := testcontainers.TerminateContainer(azuriteContainer); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to terminate container: %s", err)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to start container: %s", err)
cred, err := aztables.NewSharedKeyCredential(azurite.AccountName, azurite.AccountKey)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to create shared key credential: %s", err)
serviceURL, err := azuriteContainer.ServiceURL(ctx, azurite.TableService)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to get service URL: %s", err)
tablesServiceURL := serviceURL + "/" + azurite.AccountName
client, err := aztables.NewServiceClientWithSharedKey(tablesServiceURL, cred, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to create client: %s", err)
tableName := "fromServiceClient"
_, err = client.CreateTable(context.TODO(), tableName, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to create table: %s", err)
pager := client.NewListTablesPager(nil)
for pager.More() {
resp, err := pager.NextPage(context.Background())
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to list tables: %s", err)
_, err = client.DeleteTable(context.TODO(), tableName, nil)
if err != nil {
Run function¶
- Not available until the next release of testcontainers-go main
The EventHubs module exposes one entrypoint function to create the EventHubs container, and this function receives three parameters:
func Run(ctx context.Context, img string, opts ...testcontainers.ContainerCustomizer) (*Container, error)
, the Go context.string
, the Docker image to use.testcontainers.ContainerCustomizer
, a variadic argument for passing options.
The EventHubs container needs an Azurite container to be running, for that reason Testcontainers for Go automatically creates a Docker network and an Azurite container for EventHubs to work. When terminating the EventHubs container, the Azurite container and the Docker network are also terminated.
Container Options¶
When starting the EventHubs container, you can pass options in a variadic way to configure it.
Use the second argument in the Run
function to set a valid Docker image.
In example: Run(context.Background(), "")
Image Substitutions¶
- Since testcontainers-go v0.26.0
In more locked down / secured environments, it can be problematic to pull images from Docker Hub and run them without additional precautions.
An image name substitutor converts a Docker image name, as may be specified in code, to an alternative name. This is intended to provide a way to override image names, for example to enforce pulling of images from a private registry.
Testcontainers for Go exposes an interface to perform this operation: ImageSubstitutor
, and a No-operation implementation to be used as reference for custom implementations:
// ImageSubstitutor represents a way to substitute container image names
type ImageSubstitutor interface {
// Description returns the name of the type and a short description of how it modifies the image.
// Useful to be printed in logs
Description() string
Substitute(image string) (string, error)
type NoopImageSubstitutor struct{}
// Description returns a description of what is expected from this Substitutor,
// which is used in logs.
func (s NoopImageSubstitutor) Description() string {
return "NoopImageSubstitutor (noop)"
// Substitute returns the original image, without any change
func (s NoopImageSubstitutor) Substitute(image string) (string, error) {
return image, nil
Using the WithImageSubstitutors
options, you could define your own substitutions to the container images. E.g. adding a prefix to the images so that they can be pulled from a Docker registry other than Docker Hub. This is the usual mechanism for using Docker image proxies, caches, etc.
- Since testcontainers-go v0.29.0
If you need to either pass additional environment variables to a container or override them, you can use testcontainers.WithEnv
for example:
postgres, err = postgresModule.Run(ctx, "postgres:15-alpine", testcontainers.WithEnv(map[string]string{"POSTGRES_INITDB_ARGS": "--no-sync"}))
- Since testcontainers-go v0.31.0
If you need to access a port that is already running in the host, you can use testcontainers.WithHostPortAccess
for example:
postgres, err = postgresModule.Run(ctx, "postgres:15-alpine", testcontainers.WithHostPortAccess(8080))
To understand more about this feature, please read the Exposing host ports to the container documentation.
- Since testcontainers-go v0.28.0
If you need to consume the logs of the container, you can use testcontainers.WithLogConsumers
with a valid log consumer. An example of a log consumer is the following:
type TestLogConsumer struct {
Msgs []string
func (g *TestLogConsumer) Accept(l Log) {
g.Msgs = append(g.Msgs, string(l.Content))
- Since testcontainers-go v0.29.0
If you need to either pass logger to a container, you can use testcontainers.WithLogger
Consider calling this before other "With" functions as these may generate logs.
In this example we also use the testcontainers-go log.TestLogger
, which writes to the passed in testing.TB
using Logf
The result is that we capture all logging from the container into the test context meaning its
hidden behind go test -v
and is associated with the relevant test, providing the user with
useful context instead of appearing out of band.
func TestHandler(t *testing.T) {
logger := log.TestLogger(t)
ctr, err := postgresModule.Run(ctx, "postgres:15-alpine", testcontainers.WithLogger(logger))
CleanupContainer(t, ctr)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Do something with container.
Please read the Following Container Logs documentation for more information about creating log consumers.
Wait Strategies¶
If you need to set a different wait strategy for the container, you can use testcontainers.WithWaitStrategy
with a valid wait strategy.
The default deadline for the wait strategy is 60 seconds.
At the same time, it's possible to set a wait strategy and a custom deadline with testcontainers.WithWaitStrategyAndDeadline
Startup Commands¶
- Since testcontainers-go v0.25.0
Testcontainers exposes the WithStartupCommand(e ...Executable)
option to run arbitrary commands in the container right after it's started.
To better understand how this feature works, please read the Create containers: Lifecycle Hooks documentation.
It also exports an Executable
interface, defining the following methods:
, which returns a slice of strings to represent the command and positional arguments to be executed in the container;Options()
, which returns the slice of functional options with the Docker's ExecConfigs used to create the command in the container (the working directory, environment variables, user executing the command, etc) and the possible output format (Multiplexed).
You could use this feature to run a custom script, or to run a command that is not supported by the module right after the container is started.
Ready Commands¶
- Since testcontainers-go v0.28.0
Testcontainers exposes the WithAfterReadyCommand(e ...Executable)
option to run arbitrary commands in the container right after it's ready, which happens when the defined wait strategies have finished with success.
To better understand how this feature works, please read the Create containers: Lifecycle Hooks documentation.
It leverages the Executable
interface to represent the command and positional arguments to be executed in the container.
You could use this feature to run a custom script, or to run a command that is not supported by the module right after the container is ready.
- Since testcontainers-go v0.27.0
By default, the container is started in the default Docker network. If you want to use an already existing Docker network you created in your code, you can use the network.WithNetwork(aliases []string, nw *testcontainers.DockerNetwork)
option, which receives an alias as parameter and your network, attaching the container to it, and setting the network alias for that network.
In the case you need to retrieve the network name, you can simply read it from the struct's Name
field. E.g. nw.Name
This option is not checking whether the network exists or not. If you use a network that doesn't exist, the container will start in the default Docker network, as in the default behavior.
- Since testcontainers-go v0.27.0
If you want to attach your containers to a throw-away network, you can use the network.WithNewNetwork(ctx context.Context, aliases []string, opts
option, which receives an alias as parameter, creating the new network with a random name, attaching the container to it, and setting the network alias for that network.
In the case you need to retrieve the network name, you can use the Networks(ctx)
method of the Container
interface, right after it's running, which returns a slice of strings with the names of the networks where the container is attached.
Docker type modifiers¶
If you need an advanced configuration for the container, you can leverage the following Docker type modifiers:
Please read the Create containers: Advanced Settings documentation for more information.
Customising the ContainerRequest¶
This option will merge the customized request into the module's own ContainerRequest
container, err := Run(ctx, "postgres:13-alpine",
/* Other module options */
ContainerRequest: testcontainers.ContainerRequest{
Cmd: []string{"-c", "log_statement=all"},
The above example is updating the predefined command of the image, appending them to the module's command.
This can't be used to replace the command, only to append options.
- Not available until the next release of testcontainers-go main
This option allows you to set a different Azurite Docker image, instead of the default one, and also pass options to the Azurite container, in the form of a variadic argument of testcontainers.ContainerCustomizer
- Not available until the next release of testcontainers-go main
This option allows you to accept the EULA for the EventHubs container.
- Not available until the next release of testcontainers-go main
This option allows you to set a custom EventHubs config file for the EventHubs container.
The config file must be a valid EventHubs config file, and it must be a valid JSON object.
"UserConfig": {
"NamespaceConfig": [
"Type": "EventHub",
"Name": "emulatorNs1",
"Entities": [
"Name": "eh1",
"PartitionCount": "1",
"ConsumerGroups": [
"Name": "cg1"
"LoggingConfig": {
"Type": "File"
Container Methods¶
The EventHubs container exposes the following methods:
- Not available until the next release of testcontainers-go main
Returns the connection string to connect to the EventHubs container and an error, passing the Go context as parameter.
Send events to EventHubs¶
In the following example, inspired by the Azure Event Hubs Go SDK, we are creating an EventHubs container and sending events to it.
cfg := `{
"UserConfig": {
"NamespaceConfig": [
"Type": "EventHub",
"Name": "emulatorNs1",
"Entities": [
"Name": "eh1",
"PartitionCount": "1",
"ConsumerGroups": [
"Name": "cg1"
"LoggingConfig": {
"Type": "File"
eventHubsCtr, err := eventhubs.Run(ctx, "", eventhubs.WithAcceptEULA(), eventhubs.WithConfig(strings.NewReader(cfg)))
defer func() {
if err := testcontainers.TerminateContainer(eventHubsCtr); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to terminate container: %s", err)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to start container: %s", err)
connectionString, err := eventHubsCtr.ConnectionString(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to get connection string: %s", err)
producerClient, err := azeventhubs.NewProducerClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, "eh1", nil)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to create producer client: %s", err)
defer producerClient.Close(context.TODO())
events := []*azeventhubs.EventData{
Body: []byte("hello"),
Body: []byte("world"),
newBatchOptions := &azeventhubs.EventDataBatchOptions{}
var batch *azeventhubs.EventDataBatch
maxRetries := 3
// Retry creating the event data batch 3 times, because the event hub is created from the configuration
// and Testcontainers cannot add a wait strategy for the event hub to be created.
for retries := 0; retries < maxRetries; retries++ {
batch, err = producerClient.NewEventDataBatch(context.TODO(), newBatchOptions)
if err == nil {
if retries == maxRetries-1 {
log.Printf("failed to create event data batch after %d attempts: %s", maxRetries, err)
for i := range events {
err = batch.AddEventData(events[i], nil)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to add event data to batch: %s", err)
err = producerClient.SendEventDataBatch(context.TODO(), batch, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to send event data batch: %s", err)
Run function¶
- Not available until the next release of testcontainers-go main
The ServiceBus module exposes one entrypoint function to create the ServiceBus container, and this function receives three parameters:
func Run(ctx context.Context, img string, opts ...testcontainers.ContainerCustomizer) (*Container, error)
, the Go context.string
, the Docker image to use.testcontainers.ContainerCustomizer
, a variadic argument for passing options.
The ServiceBus container needs a MSSQL Server container to be running, for that reason Testcontainers for Go automatically creates a Docker network and an MSSQL Server container for ServiceBus to work. When terminating the ServiceBus container, the MSSQL Server container and the Docker network are also terminated.
Since version 1.1.2
of the ServiceBus emulator, it's possible to set the SQL_WAIT_INTERVAL
environment variable to the given seconds.
This module sets it to 0
by default, because the MSSQL Server container is started first.
Container Options¶
When starting the ServiceBus container, you can pass options in a variadic way to configure it.
Use the second argument in the Run
function to set a valid Docker image.
In example: Run(context.Background(), "")
Image Substitutions¶
- Since testcontainers-go v0.26.0
In more locked down / secured environments, it can be problematic to pull images from Docker Hub and run them without additional precautions.
An image name substitutor converts a Docker image name, as may be specified in code, to an alternative name. This is intended to provide a way to override image names, for example to enforce pulling of images from a private registry.
Testcontainers for Go exposes an interface to perform this operation: ImageSubstitutor
, and a No-operation implementation to be used as reference for custom implementations:
// ImageSubstitutor represents a way to substitute container image names
type ImageSubstitutor interface {
// Description returns the name of the type and a short description of how it modifies the image.
// Useful to be printed in logs
Description() string
Substitute(image string) (string, error)
type NoopImageSubstitutor struct{}
// Description returns a description of what is expected from this Substitutor,
// which is used in logs.
func (s NoopImageSubstitutor) Description() string {
return "NoopImageSubstitutor (noop)"
// Substitute returns the original image, without any change
func (s NoopImageSubstitutor) Substitute(image string) (string, error) {
return image, nil
Using the WithImageSubstitutors
options, you could define your own substitutions to the container images. E.g. adding a prefix to the images so that they can be pulled from a Docker registry other than Docker Hub. This is the usual mechanism for using Docker image proxies, caches, etc.
- Since testcontainers-go v0.29.0
If you need to either pass additional environment variables to a container or override them, you can use testcontainers.WithEnv
for example:
postgres, err = postgresModule.Run(ctx, "postgres:15-alpine", testcontainers.WithEnv(map[string]string{"POSTGRES_INITDB_ARGS": "--no-sync"}))
- Since testcontainers-go v0.31.0
If you need to access a port that is already running in the host, you can use testcontainers.WithHostPortAccess
for example:
postgres, err = postgresModule.Run(ctx, "postgres:15-alpine", testcontainers.WithHostPortAccess(8080))
To understand more about this feature, please read the Exposing host ports to the container documentation.
- Since testcontainers-go v0.28.0
If you need to consume the logs of the container, you can use testcontainers.WithLogConsumers
with a valid log consumer. An example of a log consumer is the following:
type TestLogConsumer struct {
Msgs []string
func (g *TestLogConsumer) Accept(l Log) {
g.Msgs = append(g.Msgs, string(l.Content))
- Since testcontainers-go v0.29.0
If you need to either pass logger to a container, you can use testcontainers.WithLogger
Consider calling this before other "With" functions as these may generate logs.
In this example we also use the testcontainers-go log.TestLogger
, which writes to the passed in testing.TB
using Logf
The result is that we capture all logging from the container into the test context meaning its
hidden behind go test -v
and is associated with the relevant test, providing the user with
useful context instead of appearing out of band.
func TestHandler(t *testing.T) {
logger := log.TestLogger(t)
ctr, err := postgresModule.Run(ctx, "postgres:15-alpine", testcontainers.WithLogger(logger))
CleanupContainer(t, ctr)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Do something with container.
Please read the Following Container Logs documentation for more information about creating log consumers.
Wait Strategies¶
If you need to set a different wait strategy for the container, you can use testcontainers.WithWaitStrategy
with a valid wait strategy.
The default deadline for the wait strategy is 60 seconds.
At the same time, it's possible to set a wait strategy and a custom deadline with testcontainers.WithWaitStrategyAndDeadline
Startup Commands¶
- Since testcontainers-go v0.25.0
Testcontainers exposes the WithStartupCommand(e ...Executable)
option to run arbitrary commands in the container right after it's started.
To better understand how this feature works, please read the Create containers: Lifecycle Hooks documentation.
It also exports an Executable
interface, defining the following methods:
, which returns a slice of strings to represent the command and positional arguments to be executed in the container;Options()
, which returns the slice of functional options with the Docker's ExecConfigs used to create the command in the container (the working directory, environment variables, user executing the command, etc) and the possible output format (Multiplexed).
You could use this feature to run a custom script, or to run a command that is not supported by the module right after the container is started.
Ready Commands¶
- Since testcontainers-go v0.28.0
Testcontainers exposes the WithAfterReadyCommand(e ...Executable)
option to run arbitrary commands in the container right after it's ready, which happens when the defined wait strategies have finished with success.
To better understand how this feature works, please read the Create containers: Lifecycle Hooks documentation.
It leverages the Executable
interface to represent the command and positional arguments to be executed in the container.
You could use this feature to run a custom script, or to run a command that is not supported by the module right after the container is ready.
- Since testcontainers-go v0.27.0
By default, the container is started in the default Docker network. If you want to use an already existing Docker network you created in your code, you can use the network.WithNetwork(aliases []string, nw *testcontainers.DockerNetwork)
option, which receives an alias as parameter and your network, attaching the container to it, and setting the network alias for that network.
In the case you need to retrieve the network name, you can simply read it from the struct's Name
field. E.g. nw.Name
This option is not checking whether the network exists or not. If you use a network that doesn't exist, the container will start in the default Docker network, as in the default behavior.
- Since testcontainers-go v0.27.0
If you want to attach your containers to a throw-away network, you can use the network.WithNewNetwork(ctx context.Context, aliases []string, opts
option, which receives an alias as parameter, creating the new network with a random name, attaching the container to it, and setting the network alias for that network.
In the case you need to retrieve the network name, you can use the Networks(ctx)
method of the Container
interface, right after it's running, which returns a slice of strings with the names of the networks where the container is attached.
Docker type modifiers¶
If you need an advanced configuration for the container, you can leverage the following Docker type modifiers:
Please read the Create containers: Advanced Settings documentation for more information.
Customising the ContainerRequest¶
This option will merge the customized request into the module's own ContainerRequest
container, err := Run(ctx, "postgres:13-alpine",
/* Other module options */
ContainerRequest: testcontainers.ContainerRequest{
Cmd: []string{"-c", "log_statement=all"},
The above example is updating the predefined command of the image, appending them to the module's command.
This can't be used to replace the command, only to append options.
- Not available until the next release of testcontainers-go main
This option allows you to set a different MSSQL Server Docker image, instead of the default one, and also pass options to the MSSQL container, in the form of a variadic argument of testcontainers.ContainerCustomizer
- Not available until the next release of testcontainers-go main
This option allows you to accept the EULA for the ServiceBus container.
- Not available until the next release of testcontainers-go main
This option allows you to set a custom ServiceBus config file for the ServiceBus container.
The config file must be a valid ServiceBus config file, and it must be a valid JSON object.
"UserConfig": {
"Namespaces": [
"Name": "sbemulatorns",
"Queues": [
"Name": "queue.1",
"Properties": {
"DeadLetteringOnMessageExpiration": false,
"DefaultMessageTimeToLive": "PT1H",
"DuplicateDetectionHistoryTimeWindow": "PT20S",
"ForwardDeadLetteredMessagesTo": "",
"ForwardTo": "",
"LockDuration": "PT1M",
"MaxDeliveryCount": 10,
"RequiresDuplicateDetection": false,
"RequiresSession": false
"Logging": {
"Type": "File"
Container Methods¶
The ServiceBus container exposes the following methods:
- Not available until the next release of testcontainers-go main
Returns the connection string to connect to the ServiceBus container and an error, passing the Go context as parameter.
Send events to ServiceBus¶
In the following example, inspired by the Azure Event Hubs Go SDK, we are creating an EventHubs container and sending events to it.
cfg := `{
"UserConfig": {
"Namespaces": [
"Name": "sbemulatorns",
"Queues": [
"Name": "queue.1",
"Properties": {
"DeadLetteringOnMessageExpiration": false,
"DefaultMessageTimeToLive": "PT1H",
"DuplicateDetectionHistoryTimeWindow": "PT20S",
"ForwardDeadLetteredMessagesTo": "",
"ForwardTo": "",
"LockDuration": "PT1M",
"MaxDeliveryCount": 10,
"RequiresDuplicateDetection": false,
"RequiresSession": false
"Logging": {
"Type": "File"
ctx := context.Background()
serviceBusContainer, err := servicebus.Run(
defer func() {
if err := testcontainers.TerminateContainer(serviceBusContainer); err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to terminate container: %s", err)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to start container: %s", err)
connectionString, err := serviceBusContainer.ConnectionString(ctx)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to get connection string: %s", err)
client, err := azservicebus.NewClientFromConnectionString(connectionString, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to create client: %s", err)
message := "Hello, Testcontainers!"
sender, err := client.NewSender("queue.1", nil)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to create sender: %s", err)
defer sender.Close(context.TODO())
sbMessage := &azservicebus.Message{
Body: []byte(message),
maxRetries := 3
// Retry sending the message 3 times, because the queue is created from the configuration
// and Testcontainers cannot add a wait strategy for the queue to be created.
for retries := 0; retries < maxRetries; retries++ {
err = sender.SendMessage(context.TODO(), sbMessage, nil)
if err == nil {
if retries == maxRetries-1 {
fmt.Printf("failed to send message after %d attempts: %s", maxRetries, err)
receiver, err := client.NewReceiverForQueue("queue.1", nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("failed to create receiver: %s", err)
defer receiver.Close(context.TODO())
// Receive 1 message from the queue
messagesCount := 1
messages, err := receiver.ReceiveMessages(context.TODO(), messagesCount, nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("failed to receive messages: %s", err)
fmt.Printf("received %d messages\n", len(messages))
for _, message := range messages {
body := message.Body
fmt.Printf("%s\n", string(body))
err = receiver.CompleteMessage(context.TODO(), message, nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("failed to complete message: %s", err)